Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What's going on here?

About a week ago, we started transitioning Beckett over to whole cow's milk. So I've been adding an ounce or two of milk in with his formula at each feeding. A few days into this, I noticed he was getting bad diaper rashes, even if I changed him right after he went and applied ointment. Then he started waking up several times at night, crying and wimpering, even when we would hold and rock him. He's also really gassy at night when we would rock him.

So now I'm wondering if it's connected to starting on cow's milk. Does he have a milk allergy? Lactose intolerant? We've stopped the cow's milk and are back on just formula to see if his problems resolve and he goes back to sleeping through the night.

Or is it teething? Is he getting his one year molars? He just sprouted two new teeth a couple weeks ago that are slowly making their way in.

Poor guy.

Oh, and he also had a small bout of Croup this weekend. He still has a little cough that also wakes him up at night. The boy just can't catch a break.

1 comment:

  1. Is it getting any better? What kind of formula is he on? With Henry's milk protein intolerance he gets very very gassy, and his poop gets super mucusy and will have blood. His issue is different from being lactose intolerant. But if it was regular formula B would have had these problems on it, since the milk protein would be in the formula too.
