Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy 7 months Beckett!

Our little baby is seven months old today! I'm in shock. There's no way that seven months have already gone by since our sweet boy was born. It's been the most exciting, frustrating and joyful seven months of my life. He is growing and changing every day and while I'm feeling extremely sad that he's growing so fast, I'm also so excited to see what new things he will do next. Here are some of his seven month highlights:
  • Beckett is eating two solid meals a day (mostly homemade unless he's at daycare). He loves Puffs and anything along those lines. He's not the best at feeding himself, but sometimes he gets lucky and one makes it into his mouth.
  • He loves to be outside. Whether it's in his swing, swimming in his pool, or cruising around in his jogging stroller, he is definetly happiest when he's outside.
  • He's not crawling yet, but he gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth. He rolls from his belly to back, but not from back to belly. He somehow flips himself around and upside down in his crib at night. Not sure if he does acrobatics once we shut the door or what, but he is never in the same position as when we put him down for the night. My prediction is that he will be crawling in the next couple of weeks.
  • He doesn't exactly sleep through the night yet, but he comes awfully close. Most nights he wakes up once to eat a little bit and have a diaper change, but then will go right back to sleep.
  • He is so ticklish and loves to laugh. Daddy is the best at making him laugh. He laughs and laughs so hard when he is with Dad. I try to do it, but I guess Dad is just funnier! He likes to dance with me though, and will smile and laugh as we dance around the room to our favorite songs.
If you've made it this far, you deserve some pictures. I'm going to show you how he's grown over the past seven months. Every month we take a picture in the same chair with the same stuffed animals.

He has a cold right now, and is battling a stuffy nose, but otherwise is usually a very happy baby. We are so blessed to get to raise this amazing boy, and I thank God every day for him. We are the luckiest parents ever! Here's some more pictures, just because he's so cute.

1 comment:

  1. he's amazing Erin. You are blessed. I SO loved reading this. you are going to be so thankful you wrote this stuff down, it goes by SO SO, SO fast. blessings to the three of you. boyyyyy he is one cute little dude.
