Sunday, September 18, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa's house

Today we took a trip down to Plattsmouth to spend a couple hours with Grandma and Grandpa Sneller. First we played with the beads and other toys that I used to play with when I was little... (Notice the blanket he's sitting on, it's part of the story later.)

Then he ate lunch in an old wooden high chair that my sister, brother and I all ate in when we were babies...

Finally we played some more with Grandpa. Grandpa would build a house out of the blocks and Beckett would knock it down and break it apart. It was pretty entertaining to watch.

When we got home, we did something Beckett really enjoys... looking at himself in the mirror. He's so handsome, he just can't help it. We played in the water in the sink too, but didn't get any pictures of that. I was busy trying to make sure he didn't completely soak himself. He's so amazing and we have so much fun doing the simplest things!
Now more about that blanket he was sitting on in the first picture. I have been wanting to make a puff quilt for a long time. It's basically a blanket made from lots of little pillows. Well little did I know, my mother had gotten out an old blanket she had made MANY years ago for Beck to play on, and it was a puff quilt! So that just inspired me even more to get started. I went through all her fabric scraps and picked out a few that went together. That's my next project I'll be starting on tomorrow.

I'm also going to start working on a t-shirt shag rug. Just another idea I found on Pinterest. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out. My mom gave me some burlap to use for the backing and my dad gave me a bunch of his old white t-shirts to start cutting up. I'll be searching the Salvation Army and Goodwill tomorrow for more t-shirts to finish the rug. Needless to say, I left my parent's house with a full to-do list!

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