Sunday, October 16, 2011

In case you didn't know, WE LOVE SWINGING!

When Beckett was a newborn, he wanted nothing to do with his swing. He would scream and scream when we put him in it. I honestly think he slept in it one time. Now that he's a little older, he can't get enough of swings.

When I take him outside with me to let out the dogs, he gets a HUGE grin on his face. I used to think it was because we were going to get the puppies, but I've noticed that he stares down the swing, which is next to the dog kennel. He knows that it's swing time. Even if I hadn't planned on putting him in his swing, I have to after I see the huge smile he gets just looking at it. So we swing, and he smiles and squeals with laughter. It's so much fun for me to just watch him get so excited over something so simple!

Grandma and Grandpa Sneller got an outdoor swing for their house so of course Beck had to test it out. And of course, he loved it.

We also walked to the park this last week to test out those swings, and he loved those, too.

I'm not sure what we're going to do when it gets cold and snowy out. We're going to have to install a swing inside so Beckett can continue to swing all winter. Either that, or dad's going to have to tough the weather and bundle Beckett up really good. I'm sure he'd still love it when it's -30 degrees outside.

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