Monday, October 24, 2011

Why wait until Christmas?

I've always been bad at waiting until the actual occasion to give the gift. I beg David to open his presents early every time. Beckett's first Christmas will be no different, I can already see. To be fair, he was pushing an ottoman around the room, so I didn't think it was nice to make him wait another two months for a toy that is perfect for him now. We caved and gave him one of his presents early, this just means I have to shop for more now, right? Here's what we got him:

The toy also does this, which is the reason we gave it to him early. We didn't get any good pictures of him using it this way though, he's not the greatest at it yet. He sure loves it though!

Here's an extra picture, just because I have to throw it in somewhere. Can you tell someone *cough David cough* is a camo lover? I bought Beckett's jacket, but it was a completely selfless gift for David after we found out we were having a boy. I could live my whole life without camo, David not so much.

1 comment:

  1. Erin you sound a lot like Ray, he was the same way when it came to any kind of gift. He wanted to see us open our gifts asap. It drove me crazy but it was also really fun at the same time.
